Bharathi's Autism and Special Needs Services (OPC) Private Limited was converted to Bharathi's Autism and Special Needs Services Private Limited, effective December 2023.

Bharathi's Autism and Special Needs Services (OPC) Private Limited was converted to Bharathi's Autism and Special Needs Services Private Limited, effective December 2023.

Sound Therapy

Sound Therapy with SOUNDSORY®

What is Sound Therapy for Autism in Kids?

Sound therapy for autism involves using auditory stimuli to support the development and well-being of children on the autism spectrum. This therapeutic approach is based on the idea that specific sounds, rhythms, and frequencies can have a profound effect on brain function and behavior. By providing structured auditory input, sound therapy aims to improve sensory processing, communication, social skills, and overall quality of life for children with autism.

Sound Therapy is Used to:

  • Enhance Cognitive Functions
  • Improve Motor Skills
  • Reduce Sensory Overload
  • Facilitate Emotional Regulation
  • Boost Communication Skills
  • Support Social Interaction
  • Increase Focus and Concentration
Sound Therapy Hyderabad

What Is Soundsory?

Soundsory is a unique multi-sensory music and movement program designed to enhance various aspects of sensory processing and motor skills. It utilizes a combination of specially designed headphones and bone conduction technology, along with carefully curated music and exercises, to stimulate the auditory, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems simultaneously.

Improve Focus and Development for Autism with SOUNDSORY


What does Soundsory do?

  • Sensory : Soundsory® stimulates the brain to develop essential skills in areas such as visual, auditory, tactile, vestibular, and proprioception.
  • Developmental : Developing sensory skills enhances reflexes, hand-eye coordination, attention, and spatial awareness.
  • Learning : Developing sensory and motor skills enhances cognitive abilities, including academic learning, emotional regulation, social interactions, and critical thinking.

Multi-sensory Music & Movement Program
With Soundsory Devices Benefits

Rhythm, Balance & Coordination

Enhancing rhythm, balance, and coordination through Soundsory's auditory and movement exercises.

Sensory & Auditory Processing

Soundsory enhances sensory and auditory processing, improving sensory integration and cognitive functions in children with developmental challenges.

Alertness & Attention

Enhances alertness and attention through rhythmic auditory stimulation in Soundsory.

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