Bharathi's Autism and Special Needs Services (OPC) Private Limited was converted to Bharathi's Autism and Special Needs Services Private Limited, effective December 2023.

Bharathi's Autism and Special Needs Services (OPC) Private Limited was converted to Bharathi's Autism and Special Needs Services Private Limited, effective December 2023.

Special Education

Development & Behavioral Health Support when you need it the most with love & care.

Special Education

Special education is aimed at improving the academic, social, and self-help skills of individuals with special needs. It addresses significant cognitive or physical deficits through a multi-sensory programme drawn out with a view to maximizing the child’s potential to the fullest. A child with differentiated or special needs is not always able to adjust in a formal school setting due to fallacies and backlogs in their physical, social, or cognitive setup and requires special education assistance. Thus, they have to be trained and taught using facilities that foster their learning abilities and help them bridge the gap between a special school and a formalised school.

Process involved in Special Education:

The special education applies the following activities and procedures:

  • Learning through picture and cue cards.
  • Learning through puzzles and picture boards.
  • Customized riddles
  • Mathematical Puzzles
  • Interactive Reading Material and much more
Special Education
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